Thursday, March 10, 2011

Artist of the Week - Elbow

Elbow Promo Shot

Yes, yes, I know, I have already had Elbow as my artist of the week, but I wanted to have them again just to draw your attention the their new album Build A Rocket Boys! which came out on Monday. I was looking forward to it for a while, so I went downtown and bought it as soon as I possibly could, and boy, I was not disappointed! It is rapidly becoming my favourite Elbow album! Each song is so rich, and Guy Garvey's voice and lyrics are on top form. Their sound has evolved again, and they use new instruments, along with the HallĂ© Youth Choir. The album is full of unexpected twists and turns, heart-swelling and tear-jerking. In short, it is fab!
Now, I don't ask my readers for much, but today I would really like you to do me a favour - try listening to this album! Even if you just go to iTunes, their myspace, website or youtube page and listen to the 30 second previews, please do give the songs a go! 
and maybe, if you like them, you could go on and borrow the album off a friend, or even *gasp* buy it!
Or, should you need more convincing, try this review by Kitty Empire who is far more eloquent than I am!