Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Home Comforts

I have been quiet for the past couple of weeks, and that is because I was at home for Christmas.  Once I finally got home, I had a lovely quiet break with my family and friends, and I had my first white Christmas!

Over the past couple of years, there are some things that I have really come to appreciate about being at home - the space (the space! Every time I come home now I collapse on the floor of my room, because I can), the fact that it is cleaned twice a week by someone other than me, how nice the furniture is, the outdoor space, the tv, and... The kitchen!
Let me give you a guided tour of why I love it so much:

Well, first off, it's huge. Plus it has marble counters and a giant island unit.

It is also very light - there are big, south facing french doors and this thing in the roof
There is food everywhere. Cupboards full of dry goods, and this fridge,

these fridge drawers,

and this chest freezer in the garage.

Then, there is the cooker.

*Angelic voices singing*

5 gas burners, 2 ovens and a grill!

Oh, and let's not forget the most important kitchen resident:

Hi Molly! I missed you!

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