Monday, September 26, 2011

Song of the Week

I am having quite a lot of problems with my computer at the moment, and I am taking it to the repair place tomorrow, for the second time in two weeks. Since I don't know when I'm going to get it back, I thought I would post the song of the week today, then I will be back with a new recipe when my computer is (hopefully) fixed!

This week's song of the week is "Bubble" by King Creosote and Jon Hopkins. I bought their album, Diamond Mine back at the beginning of June and I haven't stopped listening to it since.  It is just stunning. They were nominated for the Mercury Music Prize this year, but were pipped to the post by PJ Harvey.

Take a listen, and enjoy the beautiful video :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lorra Lolly Lentils


It's starting to feel a little autumnal here in Vancouver, and by that I mean it's raining. Standing at the bus stop in the rain is not a particularly heartening experience, so I like to have something warm, tasty and filling waiting for me at home. Today's recipe fits that description perfectly.
The dish I went for was Tarka Dal, following Anjum Anand's recipe. We have Anjum's book I Love Curry back home, and the dishes in that were delicious, so I had high hopes. I was not disappointed. This dal is warming, moreish and as a bonus, healthy! I served it with this zucchini rice, minus the cheese!
You can find the recipe here.


In other news, do you know how hard it is to make daal look nice when it's dark and you just want to devour it?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Back! ...Sort of...

So, I'm back at school. Third year, I can't quite believe it! I'm all settled in to a new flat, have five new courses to wrap my head around (including Swedish - hej alla!), and hopefully I am ready to get back into the swing of blogging!
There are going to be some changes around here for now, since I have yet to figure out just how to balance my workload. For one, I am going to go from Artist of the Week to Song of the Week. There are a few reasons for this, but one big one is that I'm worried that I will run out of artists of whom I own an extensive back catalogue! Secondly, I have decided that this semester is going to be about improving my cooking skills, and that means following other people's recipes. I will still do my own recipes occasionally, but more often than not, I will be showing you my results from using other people's recipes.
I hope to have something new up soon, but in the mean time here are a couple of the cooking adventures I've had since I last saw you:

Cooking *live* shrimp
moments later, one jumped across the room.



Cocktails with The Hungry Undergrad!
