So, I'm back at school. Third year, I can't quite believe it! I'm all settled in to a new flat, have five new courses to wrap my head around (including Swedish - hej alla!), and hopefully I am ready to get back into the swing of blogging!
There are going to be some changes around here for now, since I have yet to figure out just how to balance my workload. For one, I am going to go from Artist of the Week to Song of the Week. There are a few reasons for this, but one big one is that I'm worried that I will run out of artists of whom I own an extensive back catalogue! Secondly, I have decided that this semester is going to be about improving my cooking skills, and that means following other people's recipes. I will still do my own recipes occasionally, but more often than not, I will be showing you my results from using other people's recipes.
I hope to have something new up soon, but in the mean time here are a couple of the cooking adventures I've had since I last saw you:
Cooking *live* shrimp
moments later, one jumped across the room.