Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It made me smile...

So I think this is quite possibly my new favourite OKGO video:

Mainly because it involves some very cute dogs, and I adore dogs! One of the things I miss about home is not having a crazy little creature ruling over the household and giving me an excuse to do nothing but sit and scratch her tummy for hours - basically I miss my dog, Molly:

What a cutie!
I'm sure Molly will be popping up in quite a few of my future posts, but in the interests of an introduction, Molly is a miniature schnauzer, she is almost 8 years old and while she is an absolute terror to everyone else, to my family and people she sees a lot, she is a complete sweetie. It's not that she savages people or anything, she is just trying to protect us from what she sees as scary strangers by making lots and lots of noise (not fun in a very echoey house, let me tell you!).
Anyway, back to the original purpose of this post, when I am away from home, I become an avid dog-spotter, whether it be on the street or on tv or in youtube clips, so this new OKGO video made me very happy. I hope it brightens your day too!

If you aren't familiar with any of OKGO's back catalogue, try these (try to listen to the music too, the videos tend to distract you from the actual song!)

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