Monday, October 17, 2011

Treacle Tart Debacle


So last week, when I said I was about to make treacle tart? I was lying. Well, that's not to say I didn't try, but apparently the universe just didn't want me to do it.
For one thing it turned out that I didn't have enough golden syrup, but that didn't really matter because I only found that out after this had happened:


Yes, that is meant to be the pastry case. I'm not sure what happened, I followed the recipe exactly. I think it was a combination of my scales not being very accurate and trying to use canadian ingredients to follow a british recipe. But never mind. A couple of days later, I went and bought more golden syrup, and, I have to admit, a pre-made pastry case *guilty face*. I made the tart on Friday and it turned out very well


I used the recipe from the Peyton and Byrne cookbook my sister got me for my birthday. The filling was delicious, though I used bread crumbs instead of cake crumbs, and there was a bit too much to fit inside the pastry case.


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