Monday, September 24, 2012

Ginger Cake

You know how whenever they interview chefs they ask them about their guilty pleasures? You know, the processed or pre-prepared foods they aren't supposed to like, but secretly love? Things like ketchup or baked beans. Well, if you were to ask me that question, there would be far too many to mention, but near the top of the list would definitely be Jamaica ginger cake and Bird's custard.
food of the gods

It ain't classy, but then neither am I! Unfortunately I have never seen it here. I expect you could buy it in a special shop for some extortionate price, but that isn't my style. So you can imagine I was intrigued when I came across this recipe that claimed to turn out like the packaged version. It is also vegan, if that matters to you.

So, I made it! I made it without a food processor, because we don't have one, and just mixed it with a wooden spoon. Even so, it took no time at all to throw together. The batter was a very strange texture, thanks mostly to the lack of eggs and the hot water, I think. I ended up cooking it for longer than the recipe said because I made it in a loaf tin.
Never mind that though, how did it taste? Really good. It tastes just like a ginger cake should - moist, dense, caramelly and warming - but with the (delicious) addition of a chewy, crispy crust.  I had it warm (with custard of course) last night and cold today, and I think it improves with age.
 In less than 24 hours, the 3 of us have managed to eat over half of it. I think this is a good sign!
Here's the recipe again: Easy Peasy Ginger Cake

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