Sunday, September 30, 2012

University Life

Just wanted to show you that I do actually do work and go to class, I'm not always procrastinating!
My favourite class this year, and of my whole university experience (yes I know this only 3 weeks in) is Ornithology. I was worried for a while that I wouldn't get on the course, which, as anyone who knows me can guess, was rather stressful. You see, I love birds. Birds are my "thing". The subject I can bore my friends to death with. So, any class where I get to do this:
is a total winner as far as I'm concerned! This was taken in my lab this week, when we went to the botanic gardens where someone was banding as part of a research project. We took advantage of her mist nets and got to handle some birds! That one in the picture is a black-capped chickadee. The labs alternate between indoor sessions that use the museum specimens to help us learn the different taxa, and trips to spots close to campus for birdwatching. Perfect.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ginger Cake

You know how whenever they interview chefs they ask them about their guilty pleasures? You know, the processed or pre-prepared foods they aren't supposed to like, but secretly love? Things like ketchup or baked beans. Well, if you were to ask me that question, there would be far too many to mention, but near the top of the list would definitely be Jamaica ginger cake and Bird's custard.
food of the gods

It ain't classy, but then neither am I! Unfortunately I have never seen it here. I expect you could buy it in a special shop for some extortionate price, but that isn't my style. So you can imagine I was intrigued when I came across this recipe that claimed to turn out like the packaged version. It is also vegan, if that matters to you.

So, I made it! I made it without a food processor, because we don't have one, and just mixed it with a wooden spoon. Even so, it took no time at all to throw together. The batter was a very strange texture, thanks mostly to the lack of eggs and the hot water, I think. I ended up cooking it for longer than the recipe said because I made it in a loaf tin.
Never mind that though, how did it taste? Really good. It tastes just like a ginger cake should - moist, dense, caramelly and warming - but with the (delicious) addition of a chewy, crispy crust.  I had it warm (with custard of course) last night and cold today, and I think it improves with age.
 In less than 24 hours, the 3 of us have managed to eat over half of it. I think this is a good sign!
Here's the recipe again: Easy Peasy Ginger Cake

Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Year, Old Habits

 Here's a hint about one of the places I went this summer. 
Also, a fairly accurate portrait of my energy levels at the moment!

Well, hello! I'm back! Has it really been 9 months since I last posted? The last school year was very tough, and basically left me emotionally incapacitated for most of the summer. I'm feeling better now, any way, and I am back in Canada for my final year of University! I'm two weeks in, and procrastination is starting to rear it's ugly head, so I thought I'd start blogging again. Also a couple of people have mentioned my blog in the past few weeks, which was a nice reminder that people do actually read it!

Suppose I'd better get a picture of some food in here somehow!
Jerk-style and souvlaki-style chicken on the barbie.

At the moment I'm enjoying my courses, and have been getting up to some fun, sometimes food-related things outside of school. I've moved into a new flat with two friends, close to campus so I have a bit more free time, and with a bigger kitchen! I'm still trying to improve my cooking, so will be trying some new things, though I might post a few of my own recipes.
If all goes well and I get enough homework done, I'll be doing some baking later on today so stay tuned for a food post!

I hope all of you are well, and I'll be speaking to you soon!