Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Artist of the Week - Rufus Wainwright

Midterms are over for the week - just one more next week, and a couple of papers to write, then I am out of the woods! I know I have been neglecting cookery for a while, I will endeavour to post something yummy later this week! Before that though, I will have a couple of music-related posts, since that is one of the things (along with stuffing my face with chocolate and imbibing large doses of caffeine) that has helped me to get through the last couple of weeks. Here we go then - this week's featured artist:

Rufus Wainwright

Ok, we all know Rufus Wainwright - even if you don't know him by name, it is pretty likely that you have heard his music - most probably his version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". I'm not sure I know a single person that doesn't like Rufus Wainwright's music at least a little bit, and I think that really says something about the beauty and accessibility of his songs.
Hailing originally from New York and Montreal, and member of a ridiculously musical family - younger sister Martha (whom he often collaborates with, and who's music I also love), father Loudon and mother Kate McGarrigle - Rufus has so far released 8 cds, as well as various songs for films such as Brokeback Mountain, Moulin Rouge and The History Boys. Last year saw the premiere of his opera "Prima Donna" at the Manchester International Festival.
It is very hard for me to pick only a few songs as my favourites, but here goes anyway (a lot of them ended up being from his first album - I guess it's my favourite!):

April Fools
Fun fact - the women in the video are all opera characters who die for love - Mimi from La Boheme, Carmen, Tosca, Madame Butterfly and Gilda from Rigoletto - can you figure out which is which?  Also, is it just me or is Madame Butterfly played by Martha Wainwright?

Beauty Mark
Supposedly about his mother

Foolish Love
One of his many songs about unrequited love

can't seem to find a decent version of this, which really is a shame since it beautifully shows off his gorgeous voice!

Greek Song

Who Are You New York?
From his latest album
Rufus Wainwright – Who Are You New York?

What do you think of Rufus Wainwright? Favourite songs? Am I wrong to think that everyone likes him? Do leave a comment :)

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