Monday, October 4, 2010

Simple, Classy, Delicious

Today I'm going to tell you how I make one of the typical recipes of late summer and early autumn - roast vegetables! They are super easy, and you probably don't need telling how to make them, but everyone does them slightly differently, and I'm going to show you my version! In my opinion, you don't want any flavours to overpower the vegetables, you just want some ingredients that will complement their sweetness.
Some of my favourite vegetables to roast include butternut squash, courgettes, garlic, tomatoes, beets and carrots. I'm not a fan of cooked onions, but I hear that if you are they are especially nice when roasted.
Here we go!

Roast Vegetables

First, chop up the veggies of your choice.  I used what I had on hand;
Butternut squash
Cherry tomatoes - make sure you either cut these or prick them, otherwise they will explode! (I have also just realised that all of the "veg" I'm using are actually fruit - oh well)
When they are in nice big chunks, chuck them in a roasting pan or baking dish.
Drizzle on some nice olive oil
Sprinkle on some garlic powder
Then season well with salt and pepper, and toss everything around so all the "vegetables" are well coated in the oil and seasonings.
Now, put the "vegetables" in the oven at 400 F for forty-five minutes or so, stirring them after about half an hour to turn them all over.
Then eat them! These are actually a bit underdone - you want them to be a bit browner than this, but I was too impatient and hungry to wait the extra ten minutes!
I served them with salt-and-pepper chicken, but they also go well with lamb, with couscous, or with pasta or rice (if you add a bit more oil or use a lot of tomatoes)

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